
Impact of Social Media in the Jewelry Industry

  • The jewelry industry is a proud and booming industry with hundreds of competitors. What will make you stand out as a jeweller?

What does social media cover?

Social media is a widespread tool that enhances business credibility and amplifies the presence of your business. It covers various social platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook, and even TikTok.

Social media has garnered much attention, especially during the Covid-19 lockdown. Small businesses and large businesses, alike, got a chance to have equal resources and opportunities to showcase their products to the outside world.

With the increase in the use of social media to promote products and services, the jewelry business is not far behind.


How do you know the best channel for your business?

The most used channel by a jewelry-based target audience is usually Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and (now) Instagram. 

Facebook is used by millennials who are looking for products or designs. This platform is where your primary target audience scrolls through in their free time. The age group is between 20 to 60-year-olds, approximately.

LinkedIn is a platform where all the big brands have business pages. This platform is where you can make essential connections, and collaborations and find prospective employees and clients. The age group is mainly around 18 to 40-year-olds.

Pinterest is one of the best platforms to push your content. All the posts and pins are evergreen and this platform never stops pushing content. Audiences of all ages often run to Pinterest for aesthetics and unique ideas. 

Lastly, Instagram is becoming a business/ creator platform which pushes video and short reel content. The upcoming generations are highly addicted to this platform and scroll through Instagram for hours. The audience here ranges from 18 to 50-year-olds of all backgrounds.


Why should you care about social media, being in the jewelry industry?

Social media is often dismissed as something teenagers use to boost their followers and popularity. However, people often turn a blind eye towards the various benefits that social media gives to business platforms.

With business manager pages on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and YouTube, it has been a successful journey for all businesses who stay consistent and efficient in their content while posting.

How does the social media industry boost sales in the jewelry industry?

  • Brand awareness

A brand which keeps uploading content on main marketing platforms is one that is remembered and constantly in the back of a prospective customer’s mind. For example, if you see a particular page posting content you like, regularly, you will immediately follow up on the page and interact with it. This can be the case with your business too if you post consistently with good content.

  • Word-of-mouth marketing

Social media often comes up in conversations, i.e. what pages to follow and who creates good content. If your page does so, you will receive marketing on a free (more or less) and organic level. Free applications are out there and making use of them will boost your company’s revenue.

  • Increase in sales through referrals

Referrals are important for any business to grow. They are one of the purest forms of retaining customers and one can never go wrong if they have strong referrals. Social media enhances your reach and starts off a chain that automatically creates good referrals.

  • Direct relationship with customers

Customers require constant updates and content. Social media platforms provide a channel for constant communication with your jewelry audience. The more you connect with them, the more the chances of retaining them as long-term clients.

  • Audience feedback analysis

Social media has tracking tools and analytics to understand your target audience better. Be it gender, age group or time they are most active, Meta Business (platforms like Facebook and Instagram) has it all. This feedback tool can be used to increase vigorous advertising towards the correct target audience and prospective clients in the jewelry industry.

  • Tracking what is trending and selling

Keeping track of competitors is also very important. There are high chances that your biggest competitors already have up and running social media platforms with good content and consistent followers. Making your own social media pages can help you track what they are doing that you might be doing wrong. This can help you long-term by aiding you to understand where you are going wrong.

  • Brand loyalty

Brand loyalty is a combination of brand awareness and the technique of retaining customers. A good brand will always enhance brand loyalty and attract customers through word-of-mouth and referrals.

What better way to start than social media?

Jess Doshi







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The ultimate jewellery software for automating omnichannel marketing, sales, and customer engagement, designed exclusively for jewellers and jewellery businesses. A Complete JewelTech Ecosystem to enable jewellers automate 1200+ daily workflows in their business on 30+ channels