What is the JewelTech Ecosystem?

We coined the term JewelTech in 2019 in alignment with our vision to provide Jewellers with end-to-end business automation ecosystem. However, by early 2021 many technology providers of all kinds started using JewelTech, including consultants and media houses which made jewellers more confused What exactly it is, instead of providing clarity and awareness amongst jewellers.

Let’s first understand what exactly is Jewelry Technology (JewelTech) Ecosystem:

  • An ecosystem means everything
  • A Technology ecosystem mean everything requires to create, manage and use the technology of all types
  • A Jewellery Technology Ecosystem (JewelTech) means everything a jewellery business requires in the form of technology to run their end-to-end business

A JewelTech ecosystem is the one which provides you 1000’s of technology tools and features required to automated your business use cases horizontally and vertically. To make it simpler to understand in the current terminology used by technology providers.

The JewelTech Ecosystem

JewelTech Ecosystem is an integrated combination of :

  1. In-Store Commerce for Jewelry Business:
    • Focus on the personalized customer service with customised journey’s within the store which is recorded digitally to understand the behaviour of customers and the teams to enable hands-on experiences with high-value items enhancing not just the shopping experience within the store, but building a strong post sales or engagement journey’s for higher retention and conversion with the customers and improve team alignment to fulfil customer expectations and experiences at its best.
  2. E-Commerce for Jewelry Business:
    • An online storefront allows customers to browse and purchase jewelry from anywhere, anytime. Custom Features, integrations and user journeys to make online experiences same as in-store to help business scale at the convenience of the customer.
  3. Social Commerce for Jewelry Business:
    • Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Google etc to showcase jewelry collections, engage with customers through comments and messages, and enable direct purchases through social media platforms. This approach is effective for tapping into a younger, digitally-savvy audience.
  4. Marketplace Commerce for Jewelry Business:
    • Listing products on popular online marketplaces can increase visibility and reach a wider audience. This strategy can be used to complement the business’s own e-commerce website, providing additional sales channels and increasing traffic to its own e-commerce and in-store.
  5. Personal Commerce for Jewelry Business:
    • Offering personalized 1:1 shopping experiences across the channels to make customer engagement seamless and uniform, no matter which platform or channels they engage with you.
  6. Conversational Commerce for Jewelry Business:
    • Implement chatbots or live chat on the business website and integrate WhatsApp or Messenger for customer inquiries. This approach can provide quick responses to customer queries, assist in product selection, and offer post-purchase support.
  7. Omnichannel Commerce for Jewelry Business:
    • Seamlessly integrate in-store, online, and social media channels to provide a consistent and holistic brand experience. Ensure inventory visibility across channels, manage customer journeys and engagement history from & to across channels.
  8. ERP for Jewelry Business:
    • An ERP system can manage the entire jewelry business operation, including inventory management of precious items, supplier relationships, production planning for custom pieces, and financial accounting.
  9. CRM for Jewelry Business:
    • Use CRM systems to manage customer relationships effectively. Track customer purchase history, preferences, and key dates (like anniversaries or birthdays) to personalize marketing efforts and build long-term customer loyalty. Also integrate every channel to build a One view of your customer engagement and buying history to make better predictions.
And many tools and software’s required to make above mentioned solutions integrated, seamless and automated. Below is an attempt to give clarity and comparison amongst all the above-mentioned commerce solutions


Factor/Feature In-Store Commerce E-Commerce Social Commerce Marketplace Commerce Personal Commerce Conversational Commerce Omnichannel Commerce ERP Systems CRM Systems
Primary Channel Physical stores Websites Social media platforms Online platforms hosting multiple sellers Individualized selling (e.g., personal websites, direct sales) Messaging platforms, chatbots Integrated across all available channels Business process management Customer data and interaction management
Customer Interaction Face-to-face Digital, through website Digital, on social media platforms Digital, on marketplace platforms Personalized, often one-on-one Digital, through chat and messaging Unified experience across all touchpoints Limited direct interaction High, especially in sales and service contexts
Inventory Management Physical inventory Online inventory Linked to e-commerce inventory Managed by individual sellers, adhering to marketplace rules Varies, often managed personally Digital inventory tracked through messaging systems Integrated inventory across all channels Comprehensive, across all business areas Typically not a primary focus
Data Collection In-store behavior, sales data Online customer behavior, sales data Social media engagement data Sales data, customer reviews Personal interactions, customer feedback Customer messages, interaction data Comprehensive data from all channels Broad business data, including financials, operations Customer-centric data, interaction history
Marketing Approach Traditional advertising, in-store promotions SEO, online ads, email marketing Influencer marketing, social media ads Sponsored listings, marketplace ads Direct marketing, word-of-mouth Targeted messaging based on customer interactions Coordinated campaigns across channels Not a primary function Targeted marketing based on customer data
Personalization Level Based on staff-customer interaction Based on user activity and preferences High, leveraging social media profiles Varies, generally low personalization High, tailored to individual customers High, based on conversational context High, consistent personalization across channels Low, focused on operational efficiency High, based on detailed customer profiles
Sales Process Physical browsing and purchase Online browsing and checkout In-app or redirected to online checkout Standardized by the marketplace Often flexible, tailored to the customer Through chat interfaces, sometimes automated Seamless process regardless of channel Supports sales through operational planning Manages sales processes, tracking, and customer interactions
Customer Service In-store support Online support (chat, email, phone) Via social media or linked online services Often provided by marketplace Direct, often personalized Through chatbots or messaging support Consistent support across all channels Supports service through resource planning Directly manages customer service interactions
Payment Options Traditional (cash, cards) Digital payments In-app payments, digital wallets Marketplace-determined options Varies, often flexible Digital payments, in-chat transactions Unified payment solutions across channels Not directly involved Not directly involved
Return/Exchange Policy Store-based policies Online return processes Often linked to e-commerce policies Governed by marketplace standards Directly managed, often flexible Via messaging interfaces Integrated policy across channels Supports return processes through resource and inventory management Tracks customer returns and exchanges for service quality
Technology Integration POS systems, inventory management E-commerce platforms, CRM systems Social media tools, e-commerce integrations Marketplace platform tools Personal selling tools (CRM, websites) Chatbots, AI, messaging platforms Comprehensive integration of all tech systems Integrates various business functions (finance, HR, operations) Integrates with various sales and marketing tools
Customer Reach Locally focused Global reach possible Global reach, social media audience Global, marketplace audience Targeted, often niche Global, wherever messaging is used Global, no channel limitations Business-wide, internal focus Customer-focused, potentially global